• Vítek is a boy from the Czech Republic who was diagnosed with ADHD syndrome, expressive developmental dysphasia and dysarthria, a mild form of cerebellar palsy and mild mental retardation at the age of 5.

  • Despite the unfavourable outlook, we have managed to achieve significant progress and Vítek’s condition is now in many ways equal to or close to the abilities of his peers.

  • We decided to share his story as an inspiration for other parents of children with a similar medical diagnosis and hope that there is a way to a better life.

Diagnosis and initial unsuccessful attempts for improvement

At age 5, he was diagnosed with

ADHD syndrome, expressive developmental dysphasia and dysarthria

  • concentration disorder
  • delayed development of speech

Mild form of cerebellar palsy

  • musculoskeletal problems
  • difficulty with motor skills and balance

Mild mental retardation, speech and sleep disorders

  • slow mental development = mental age is 2.5 years
  • on the edge of moderate and mild mental retardation
  • According to the doctors, he is otherwise perfectly healthy and there is nothing to treat.

5 years and 10 months (March 2018)

Problems with communication, sleep, attention

  • he speaks badly, two words at most in a row
  • communicates poorly with the environment
  • sleeps poorly, wakes frequently, very restless sleeping
  • bedwetting at night, anxiety and anger
  • can’t keep attention on activities or TV, always only for a moment

Problems with motor skills and balance

  • when he starts to run, after a while he falls
  • unable to stand on one leg for a moment
  • can only hold a pencil in his fist, fine motor skills are absent
  • he is unable to do any sports related to balance

Very weak immunity

  • frequently ill
  • chronic cold

We try different products, medicines, food supplements herbs, devices…
If something works, it only works a little or for a while.

The results of our efforts are close to zero. Basically, nothing helps and despair grows.

In March 2018, we finally find an impactful solution

  • We use natural nutritional supplements based on cell membrane renewal.

  • We continue therapies and treatment in the spa facility

Balance test #1 (May 2018)

At the beginning of the use of new dietary supplements, we use the possibility of the Balance test from a drop of blood.

The results of the first test are not very positive.


6 years and 5 months (October 2018) and first major improvements

Improvement of speech and sleep

  • he is already able to speak
  • uses short sentences
  • sleeps peacefully at night
  • stopped wetting himself

Improvement of motor skills

  • runs without falling including obstacle course

Improvement of attention and emotional state

  • can play puzzles for half an hour, play by himself, watch TV
  • states of anxiety and anger have passed

Balance test #2 (October 2018)

The second balance test also confirms a major progress. The omega 6:3 ratio moves from 39.3 to an encouraging 4.9 in 5 months.

What food supplements do we use?

In March 2018, we came across the Balance concept from the Swedish company Zinzino, which tackles the problem from within the cells and slowly heals them. What’s more, it is backed up by blood tests that show if and how everything is working and how the cell membrane is healing.

  • The advantage is that these are purely natural products.

Balance Oil Aqua X

Balance Oil contributes to normal brain function and helps maintain favorable levels of EPA and DHA in your body. Helps maintain optimal levels of omega-6:3 fatty acids in your body.


Vitamins with saffron extract. Supports healthy function of the nervous system and brain, helps to reduce fatigue and exhaustion. Supports sleep efficiency and allows for a naturally deeper sleep.


We are adding ZinoBiotic in March 2019.

It is a pre-biotic that improves gut function thanks to 8 fibers and dissolves sugars.

Carnosine complex

Báječný doplněk od Dr. Kučery. Od roku 2019 děláme jednu kůru ročně.


Protože stále Vítek nejí ovoce a zeleninu přidáváme tento unikátní komplex vitamínů, minerálů, fitonutrientů, betaglukanů atd.

Pokud dítě neumí polykat, je varianta Xtend+ v kapslích.

Jaké doplňky stravy používáme?

Správné dávkování a kombinace produktů je klíčová

  • užíváním dle návodu na krabičce dosáhnete pokroku, ale může být daleko rychlejší a daleko lepší
  • klíčové je nastavit dávkování dle výsledků testů, a stejně tak i pak následné úpravy dávkování dle kontrolních testů
  • i sebelepší produkt, když nebude správně užíván, může mít nulové výsledky nebo naopak i může uškodit
  • rozhodně se sami nepouštějte do experimentů s kombinací produktů a nastaveným dávkováním – musíte mít zkušeného poradce.

Bez pravidelného testování to nepůjde

  • klíčové je nastavit dávkování dle výsledků testů a stejně tak i pak následné úpravy dávkování dle kontrolních testů
  • druhý test po 4 měsících a pak další testy dle výsledků předešlých testů
  • rychlejší pokrok je daný častějším testováním a správným dávkováním
  • testy se za určitých podmínek dají pořídit zdarma nebo velmi levně

Hlavně si uvědomte, že je to běh na dlouhou trať a je potřeba pravidelnost tj. každý den a dlouhodobost.

What other activities does Vítek do

  • Twice a year we go with Vítek to the health spa for 4 weeks.

  • Vítek regularly attends kindergarten, he goes swimming 1-2 times a week.

  • He attends ergotherapy every week, physiotherapy once a month and logopedics every 3 weeks.

6 years and 6 months (November 2018) and first major progress

According to the psychological examination, Vítek’s mental age should be 3.25 – but according to the results it is 4.7.

He moved up on the mental retardation scale from 61 to 64.

7 years (may 2019)

According to the psychological examination, Vítek’s mental age should be 3.5 – but according to the results it is 5.7.

On the mental retardation scale he has moved up – on the scale he is close to 68. Some readings are over 70.

Preparing for school entry

  • Vítek will start regular school in September with an assistant and an individual plan (a year ago, no one even thought of that)

Improved communication skills

  • communicates on its own without prompting
  • can use full sentences
  • can sign his name
  • sometimes he talks and talks and you can‘ t stop him
  • speech therapy improvement in pronunciation

Further improvement of motor skills

Balance test #3 – after 13 months (June 2019)

Again there was an improvement in all parameters – a ratio of 3.5 : 1

  • the closer to the target, the greater the deceleration. So he is still improving, but very slowly (according to the blood results
  • hope still lives = if the dosage is increased, another great chance for improvement
  • better blood test results are also visible in the improvement of Vítek’s condition
  • from July 2019 we increase the dosage to double (4-5 times the recommended dosage i.e. 10ml (5ml in the morning and 5ml in the evening)
  • we add herbal mixture, sometimes we add Carnosine complex

7 years and 8 months (February 2020)

Achievements at school

  • goes to school, has an assistant and a special plan
  • handles everything very well, although he is slower than the other children
  • reads syllables and first words
  • writes first numbers and letters
  • basic plus and minus five arithmetic
  • looks forward to school, does his homework at home
  • school is a big change for concentration and attention, but he is coping!

Further development of motor skills

  • skis
  • rides a scooter
  • rides a bicycle
  • Swims as far as 15 metres

Further advances in communication

  • speaks, uses two or three short sentences
  • good sentence structure

Balance test #4 – after 19 months (January 2020)

Significant improvement in all parameters – ratio 2.3 : 1

  • it is quite obvious that quantity matters if it is no longer possible to advance quickly
  • further improvement, especially in managing school, homework and all activities without stress, improvement in speech
  • we continue to take more than the recommended dosage (4-5 times the recommended dosage i.e. 10ml – 5ml in the morning and 5ml in the evening)
  • Zinobiotic in the morning and evening after meals, Viva+ in the morning, sometimes when he comes from school for better concentration
  • In addition, he has started taking Xtend multivitamins with minerals (since January) (he still doesn’t eat fruits and vegetables)
  • He takes a mixture of herbs
  • we are starting to add stem cell activator (since December 2019)

Balance test – comparison of the results of all 4 tests

9 years (May 2021)

Success at school

  • exceeds expectations in the set study programme by approx. 30-40%

Better results of psychological examination

  • according to new psychological testing, he’s bordering on mild mental retardation and below average intelligence!

He’s getting up to the level of his peers

  • some of the areas surveyed indicate,
  • that he is reaching the abilities of children his age
  • in some areas reaches the abilities of children aged 7
  • according to the results of the ergotherapy, he has already reached a level appropriate to his age and further therapies have been suspended for the time being

Balance test #5 – (April 2021) the ratio is 1.5 : 1

10 years and 1 month (June 2022)

Achievements at school

  • Successfully completed 3 grade
  • Started learning English at school
  • Maintains the same level of knowledge as his classmates

Further development of motor skills

  • skis
  • rides a scooter
  • rides a bicycle
  • swims as far as 25 metres

Other achievements

  • He can drive go-karts

Did Vítek inspire you?

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